11 in Noose Hill
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Author Note

22nd Nov 2017, 4:10 PM edit | delete

Honestly I messed up the backgrounds a bit but I'll fix that some other time :B


22nd Nov 2017, 4:26 PM edit | delete | reply

:( is he feeling it now? the guilt???

22nd Nov 2017, 4:36 PM edit | delete | reply

He's feeling... something?

22nd Nov 2017, 4:45 PM edit | delete | reply

Yeah. That's probably how I'd react in that situation, too.

Just gonna squat here in the garage. Cradle my obviously broken brain.

25th Nov 2017, 4:07 PM edit | delete | reply

It's never a great way to start the morning, I'm sure.

22nd Nov 2017, 6:58 PM edit | delete | reply

Oh snap, I didn't even notice the blood starting to drip last page until this one.

Really well illustrated! It conveys the actions but creates a feeling at the same time.

25th Nov 2017, 4:07 PM edit | delete | reply

Hehe thank you ^^

22nd Nov 2017, 8:10 PM edit | delete | reply

You know... Maybe Dylan should think about it in reverse. Imagine Jerry killing him in cold blood and then he returns as a ghost to haunt Jerry instead. I doubt he would like to be dead himself...

25th Nov 2017, 4:08 PM edit | delete | reply

He'd probably argue it wouldn't make that much difference to him.

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