30 in Noose Hill
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Author Note

24th Feb 2018, 4:27 PM edit | delete

I ran out of buffer! But there's only 3 pages until the end of the chapter, so it's ok!
Probably the weirdest scene so far eh


24th Feb 2018, 4:39 PM edit | delete | reply

Weird, yes. Still awesome, though.

I love the details you've worked in to the top panel. The exposed brickwork, leaves, rubble, etc. Super moody :)

27th Feb 2018, 12:02 PM edit | delete | reply

Thanks! :D

24th Feb 2018, 4:52 PM edit | delete | reply

Suit Jerry looks more upset/mad than cruel this time....

27th Feb 2018, 12:02 PM edit | delete | reply

hmMMMmm :¬)

24th Feb 2018, 5:55 PM edit | delete | reply

Lot to take in on this page.

Dapper Jerry seems… distracted by the location. I don’t think he consciously summoned Dylan here. Further point against, the mood is a stark contrast to Dapper Jerry’s suggestion he take advantage of the Undertaker’s Daughter.

Thinking aloud… if the theme of this comic wasn’t about loosing your mind, your concience eating at you, guilt, and other internal psychological topics… I’d almost suspect this was Dapper Jerry’s memory.

As for the Undertaker's Daughter witnessing this… This isn't the first time Dylan's been yelling at nothing with an audience. Though, last time it seemed to me consistent with someone experiencing grief and nothing more. This one is obviously hallucination territory. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Dylan made a good case at all that he wasn't raving mad.

27th Feb 2018, 1:32 AM edit | delete | reply

I'm still not really convinced this is a hospital, but that aside, the two panels that Dapper Jerry is looking at seem reminiscent of the ones from the maternity ward

27th Feb 2018, 1:40 PM edit | delete | reply

At this point I would say she is at least slightly curious. If we assume she really knows nothing.

I have to go back for a bit. Some of the old pages you linked to me in the email had you commenting how she knew Dylan's name despite him never introducing himself? If I recall that right. While at the same time she was confused about him being Jerry's brother?
No matter the case, this location, her and Stylish Jerry (and maybe flowers) seem to come up often.

Cannot say I concluded anything but going back, I think there really MIGHT be something off or suspicious about her. What? Any ideas? Hm. Problem is that they hardly interacted BUT when they interacted it was usually about the mystery: The ghosts and related visions. Now it kinda happened again?

By the way, about the stairs incident. I read that it can happen between twins that their memories about something might get confused. But I am not sure how that would be helpful...
Just throwing something: What if the incident happened in reverse?
Although the biggest argument is that Dylan has those nose bleeds AND... how would that be even useful. Hm.

26th Feb 2018, 10:55 PM edit | delete | reply

I'm not sure what to say other than it's a gorgeous pace with a great scene transition. Wooster's observation seems spot on to me, which begs the question, how do you distract a ghost or figment of your imagination?

26th Feb 2018, 10:57 PM edit | delete | reply

Gah, typos! Should be "page", not "pace", although the pace of the story is well done too. :)

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